Gay flag colors yarn

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non-binary and asexual have the same number of colours in the same proportions), but others involve more math to work out. Looking for a different flag? Let me know and I’ll add it! Some flags are as simple as changing the colours used (for example.

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From top left to bottom right: Rainbow, Inclusive Rainbow (aka the Philadelphia Pride Flag), Trans, Bisexual, Lesbian, Pansexual, Non-Binary, Asexual. I’ve designed eight flag hearts so far, as seen below. I actually designed them for a craft fair initially, but due to Covid it didn’t end up happening.

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These crochet hearts fit the bill, and are also quick & easy to make so they are perfect for giving as gifts or selling at a local craft fair. Aff iliate Links Disclaimer: This blog post contains affiliate links and I make a small commission off any purchase you make when you click on them.Ĭelebrate your Pride with these adorable Amigurumi Pride Flag Hearts! As a queer person myself, I wanted to design something Pride-related that was cute, fun, and plush (three of my favourite things).

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